That's exactly how you can describe the feeling I had at my first customer appointment. Sitting there, I knew I belonged here and everything was in flow. I wanted more of that and it hasn't changed to this day.

Hi, my name is Tanja and I am the founder and managing director of ideenKiND GmbH.

I myself spent 10 years in a DAX 30 company and then decided to break out in 2013 to make a difference and make others visible who are doing the same. I love what we do and what we stand for. With ideenKiND, we make visible those who deserve to be seen.

Let's talk!


We never work past our values. We are bold, dare to say what needs to be said, work with passion, focus on creativity, live freedom, are always honest and only use honest marketing tools and know the importance of success. For us personally, for us as a team and for our ideenKiNDer.


Our mission comes first:
We make visible those who deserve to be seen.

We give 100% and are courageous, creative and passionate in our commitment to our ideenKiNDer.
Trust, honesty, respect and appreciation are the foundation of our collaboration.
Every team member is important to our success.
We acknowledge every mistake and learn from them.
We put effectiveness before efficiency.
We work remotely:
We work at the times when we need maximum performance.
We do not focus on hours, but on results.
We meet every deadline.
We are driven by continuous personal and entrepreneurial growth.
We communicate as openly and directly as possible.

Arrange a free consultation now

The ideenKiND team

Tanja Kaltwasser

I love working with real entrepreneurs and helping them to make their ideenKiND grow and flourish. I myself am an entrepreneur with heart and soul. I have tried my hand at various ventures, stumbled, got up again, learned, started new things, learned other things and so on. I am grateful for all these experiences. For me, being an entrepreneur means being free, learning something new every day and constantly reinventing the world. I enjoy passing on my knowledge and helping others to be successful. What drives me? I love giving shape to visions and making the invisible visible. My motto: "If you can dream it, you can do it." Walt Disney.

Avery Kaltwasser

While looking for a new challenge, I discovered my passion for marketing. In my search for a way to turn ideas and thoughts into reality, I came across the topic of design. Whether in the form of graphic design or with the help of video animations - design makes the values of a brand tangible; they can be seen, heard and felt. I have experience in graphic design, video animation, video editing and live streamer overlays. I can't wait to accompany you in the creation and growth of your ideenKiND. So that it becomes the ideenKiND you are proud of. The ideenKiND you want to show the whole world.

Denis Schultz

Discovering new things is what working in a marketing agency is all about for me. I was already developing websites at school. Over the years, I have acquired knowledge of PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and responsive web design. Technical jargon? In short: I conjure up a customized online presence for ideenKiNDer. I am also a trained retail salesman. My experience helps me to keep an overview and think practically. I am happy to pass on my knowledge of software, systems, project management and other IT topics in training courses. However, I have never forgotten how to think outside the box. My motto is: "You still have to have chaos in you to be able to give birth to a dancing star." Friedrich Nietzsche.

Natalie Meier

Ever since my time at grammar school with a design and media technology profile, I have known that I wanted to actively and creatively shape media. My studies in media cultural studies and art history also gave me the skills to analyze the basics of media. I love using my knowledge from all possible areas to achieve the best possible results. My main areas of interest are brand and media design. But I also feel at home on social media, so I mainly support the team in these areas. As part of the ideenKiND team, I look forward to constantly expanding my knowledge, facing new challenges and growing with real project processes. My motto: "Change begins at the end of your comfort zone." Roy T. Bennett

Julian Thösen

I love working with people and taking on one challenge after the next, which is why I can fully immerse myself in the areas of design and social media. As a film and German studies student, media and creativity are also right up my alley! As a junior project manager, I support our team in all kinds of areas: whether it's brand, print or web design, social media or writing various texts. I am happy about every ideenKiND that I can help to realize their ideas and visions, and in return I can try out and develop myself in a wide variety of areas - a win-win situation! My motto: "After all, it is connections with people that give life its value." Wilhelm von Humboldt.

Saskia Kaspari

I am passionate about helping companies make their ideenKiND successful and sustainable. I worked closely with various brands for several years to develop haptic advertising campaigns and integrate them into their corporate identity. My passion then led me into the exciting world of online marketing. Building networks and an online presence offers an incredible amount of benefits. I am passionate about marketing because I firmly believe that it offers a unique opportunity to put projects in the spotlight and inspire people. My motto: "Creativity knows no bounds, and in the digital world, the possibilities are endless." I look forward to supporting you on your journey and helping your ideenKiND get the attention it deserves."

Anika Eva

As a designer in the print sector, I support your ideenKiND with a high standard of creativity. I always keep an eye on new trends. I have a degree in state-certified graphic design and a Master of Arts in communication design. Thanks to my many years of professional experience in various marketing agencies, I work in a customer and target group-oriented manner. My motto: "Graphic design will save the world right after rock and roll does." David Carson.

Leoni Schmidt

Even as a small child, I always found it exciting when packaging suddenly looked different or a familiar logo changed. During my FSJ in the cultural sector at the theater, I was able to gain my first experience with public relations and marketing. After my time at a technical secondary school with a design and media technology profile, I was sure that I wanted to become a media designer. I am therefore happy to be training in the profession that I enjoy the most. Now I'm looking forward to gaining new experiences as a trainee at ideenKiND. My motto: The journey is the reward or "Not all those who wander are lost." J.R.R. Tolkien

Isabel Funke

Ein Leben ohne Fantasie, ohne Worte und Geschichten? Für mich unvorstellbar. Ich liebe es, Worten Bedeutung zu verleihen, sie zu ansprechenden Texten zu formen und Neues zu erschaffen. Als Texterin bei ideenKiND bin ich genau dafür zuständig: starke Texte zu kreieren, die starke Ideen zum Leben erwecken. Dabei finde ich immer den richtigen Ton für dein ideenKiND. Mit meinem geschulten Auge für Details entdecke ich Ungereimtheiten sofort und finde kreative Lösungen. Ganz nach dem Motto: "Am Ende wird alles gut. Und wenn es nicht gut ist, ist es nicht das Ende." Oscar Wilde.

Greta Bücheler

Marketing, Social Media und kreatives Arbeiten – das sind die Bereiche, in denen ich meine Leidenschaft gefunden habe. Während meines Praxissemesters in der multimedialen Sportredaktion des SWR und meiner Tätigkeit beim Campusradio konnte ich erste wertvolle Erfahrungen im Bereich Social Media und Content Creation sammeln. Besonders begeistert mich die Arbeit an kreativen Projekten, wie zum Beispiel die Mitarbeit an einem Magazin über Wearables und Drohnen während meines Auslandssemesters in Aruba. Nun freue ich mich, als Praktikantin bei ideenKiND meine theoretischen Kenntnisse in die Praxis umzusetzen und den Agenturalltag hautnah mitzuerleben. Ich bin gespannt darauf, neue Herausforderungen zu meistern und mich in den Bereichen Marketing und Design weiterzuentwickeln.
Mein Motto: „Ob du glaubst, du kannst es, oder ob du glaubst, du kannst es nicht, du hast in jedem Fall recht.“ – Henry Ford

Sarah Hoffmann

Ich liebe es, meine Kreativität auszuleben und dabei neue Ideen in die Tat umzusetzen. Schon als Kind war ich in verschiedenen kreativen Bereichen aktiv. Nach meinem Fachabitur machte ich eine Ausbildung zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement, doch dort fehlte mir der Raum für Kreativität. Mir wurde klar, dass ich in einem Beruf arbeiten möchte, in dem ich mich kreativ entfalten und weiterentwickeln kann. Deshalb entschied ich mich für ein Studium in Zeitbasierten Medien und habe Anfang des Jahres meinen Bachelor erfolgreich abgeschlossen. In diesem Studiengang fühlte ich mich richtig aufgehoben, denn hier konnte ich die unterschiedlichsten gestalterischen Bereiche kennenlernen. Es war der perfekte Ort für mich, um meine kreativen Fähigkeiten zu erweitern und neue Fertigkeiten zu erlernen. Denn ich bin jemand, der immer Neues entdecken und sich weiterentwickeln möchte. Ich freue mich sehr, nun bei ideenKiND GmbH die Möglichkeit zu haben, ein Praktikum zu machen, in dem ich meine Kreativität weiter entfalten und anwenden kann. Was mich antreibt? Ich liebe es, etwas zu gestalten und neue Ideen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Mein Motto: „Die Vorstellungskraft ist der Anfang der Schöpfung. Man stellt sich vor, was man will – man will, was man sich vorstellt – und am Ende erschafft man, was man will.“ – George Bernard Shaw.


Maximum result

We never lose sight of the result.
That's what counts in the end - and we give 110% to achieve it.

Individual solutions

No mass production. Because every industry and every market has its own tricks and special features.

Long-term thinking

No "done and gone" philosophy. As an agency, we want to be at your company's side for the long term.holistic approach
Achieving the right results requires more than partial solutions. We deliver everything that is needed for this.

In tune with the times

We do not stand still. In marketing, there will always be changes that need to be addressed.

Open communication

We attach great importance to close cooperation with our customers. After all, it's all about you.

In good company with us

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